The Tale of Two Retirees: A Story of Planning, Predictability, and Freedom

The Tale of Two Retirees: A Story of Planning, Predictability, and Freedom

The Tale of Two Retirees: A Story of Planning, Predictability, and FreedomPalmer Czaplicki
Published on: 30/09/2024

I often meet with people in their 60s who realize their 401(k) won't be enough to retire on. If you're under 60, learn how converting your 401(k) into a tax-free income machine now could mean the difference between budgeting and financial freedom.

Personal Finance
Key Differences Between Good Debt and Bad Debt

Key Differences Between Good Debt and Bad Debt

Key Differences Between Good Debt and Bad DebtPalmer Czaplicki
Published on: 01/08/2024

Conventional wisdom often says all debt is bad, a financial burden to be avoided at all costs. However, this is a significant misconception.

Personal FinanceBusiness Finance
Leveraging Bank’s Money for Personal and Business Gain

Leveraging Bank’s Money for Personal and Business Gain

Leveraging Bank’s Money for Personal and Business GainPalmer Czaplicki
Published on: 11/07/2024

The wealthiest people in the world use outside money for their personal and professional gain. Learn about strategies typically reserved for the ultra-wealthy.

Personal FinanceBusiness Finance
The Quiet End of the Petrodollar and Why It's Important

The Quiet End of the Petrodollar and Why It's Important

The Quiet End of the Petrodollar and Why It's ImportantPalmer Czaplicki
Published on: 11/06/2024

Over the weekend a significant but quiet event happened which is another nail in the coffin for the US Dollar.

Personal FinanceBusiness Finance