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The Tale of Two Retirees: A Story of Planning, Predictability, and Freedom

September 30, 20245 min read

In the bright, sandy shores of Maui, two retirees find themselves chatting under a beach umbrella, enjoying the warm Hawaiian breeze. Though they share a love for travel, their financial journeys have led them to very different places. One, a man named John, followed the traditional route of sticking with his 401(k) throughout his working life, willfully contributing every year. The other, a woman named Sarah, made a bold move when she was in her 40's, converting her 401(k) into a tax-free income-generating machine for life. Not a Roth conversion, keep reading...

Schedule a Discovery Call to convert your 401k: https://lionssharewealth.com/401k-conversion

As they sip their drinks and gaze at the ocean, the conversation turns to the inevitable topic for retirees: money. And it's here where their stories truly diverge.

401k nightmare, 401k disaster

John's Struggle: The 401(k) Reality

John worked diligently for 40 years at a major corporation, consistently contributing to his 401(k), reassured by financial advisors that this would provide him with the security he needed for retirement. He followed the rules—went into mutual funds, diversified his portfolio, and trusted in the market. Now retired at 65, John lives a modest life. But things aren’t as comfortable as he had hoped.

In the past decade, John watched helplessly as market fluctuations ate away at his nest egg. When the market tanked, so did the value of his 401(k), and now that he’s retired, the income he withdraws is taxed as regular income. On top of that, his withdrawals from the 401(k) push his total income into a higher bracket, resulting in higher taxes on his Social Security benefits too.

Now on vacation, John is doing what he always does: budgeting carefully. He and his wife saved for months to make this trip to Maui possible. And while he's grateful to be here, he knows he won’t be able to take another trip until next year—if the markets cooperate.

“I’ve got to be careful,” John says. “Every withdrawal means taxes. Some years, I’m not sure whether I can afford more than one trip or two. It’s unpredictable, and that makes planning difficult.”

smart choice, 401k conversion, roth convesrion

Sarah's Story: The Power of Conversion

Across the beach umbrella sits Sarah, a radiant retiree in her early 60s, sipping a cold coconut drink. Unlike John, Sarah’s financial situation couldn’t be more different, and it’s clear from the way she speaks with ease about her travels. She and her husband have been traveling the world for years, and they’re only in Maui for a short stint before heading to their next destination—New Zealand.

“Wait, you’re telling me you travel every year?” John asks, incredulously.

“Not just every year,” Sarah responds with a smile. “Whenever we want. I don’t have to worry about market drops or budgeting for a single trip. We’re in control of our finances.”

John is stunned. How could they both have spent their careers saving in 401(k)s, yet find themselves in such different circumstances?

Schedule a Discovery Call to convert your 401k: https://lionssharewealth.com/401k-conversion

It turns out, Sarah made a game-changing decision 20 years ago, when she was in her early 40's. She learned about an alternative strategy—one that allowed her to convert her 401(k) one time into a predictable, tax-free income stream for life. Instead of relying on the volatility of the markets and worrying about the tax burden that came with withdrawals, Sarah's new plan allowed her to access tax-free income throughout her retirement.

“I converted my 401(k) into a tax-free income-generating machine. It was one of the best decisions I ever made,” Sarah explains. “No more market risk, no more worrying about how much I’d owe in taxes when I withdrew money. Everything I take out is tax-free, and my Social Security doesn’t get taxed either.”

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A Life of Freedom vs. Uncertainty

John can hardly believe what he's hearing. Tax-free income? No market worries? Sarah’s story seems almost too good to be true, yet here she is—proof that retirement can be more than just scraping by.

“I thought I was doing the right thing by sticking with my 401(k),” John admits. “But I never knew there was another option. Now I feel like I’m stuck—just waiting and hoping my 401(k) will hold up for the next decade.”

Sarah empathizes with John but reminds him how fortunate she feels for making the conversion when she did.

“I’m so glad I made the switch at 41,” Sarah says. “It gave me peace of mind knowing my income is predictable. No more worrying about whether I can afford a trip or not. I live the life I never thought possible from my old 401(k). We’re able to travel, visit family, and enjoy life—without stress.”

Schedule a Discovery Call to convert your 401k: https://lionssharewealth.com/401k-conversion

As the conversation winds down, John feels a twinge of regret. Could his retirement have been different if he had known about the strategy Sarah used? While it’s too late for him to fully change course, he’s inspired to explore other options to stabilize his financial future. He wonders how different things could have been had he made that switch earlier—like Sarah did.

The Moral of the Story

For John, retirement is a delicate balancing act—one where market risks, taxes, and budgeting dominate his decisions. Meanwhile, Sarah enjoys a carefree life, traveling whenever she chooses and living out her retirement dreams, all because she made the smart decision to convert her 401(k) into a tax-free income strategy years ago.

If you, like John, are relying on your 401(k), it’s worth considering whether it’s truly providing you the security and freedom you need for retirement. Like Sarah, you could transform your retirement with a decision today that will allow you to enjoy a future free from market risk, tax worries, and uncertainty.

Are you ready to write your own story of financial freedom?

Schedule a Discovery Call to convert your 401k: https://lionssharewealth.com/401k-conversion

Palmer Czaplicki is the Founder of Lion's Share Wealth, a full service business firm helping you from Startup to Sale, with custom Marketing and Financial solutions.

Palmer Czaplicki

Palmer Czaplicki is the Founder of Lion's Share Wealth, a full service business firm helping you from Startup to Sale, with custom Marketing and Financial solutions.

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